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Mixed Rose Bouquet

Rose colors may vary to fit the season and to ensure the freshest blooms are delivered.
Approx. 21” W x 23” H

Price:  $84.99 USD
plus service fee

In most cases same day delivery available for orders placed before 1:00 PM in the recipient's time zone (noon on Saturdays)

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2. Recipient's Zip Code

3. Delivery Date

  1 Dozen $84.99
  1 1/2 Dozen $119.99
  2 Dozen $169.99

    Find a zip code




Note: due to ongoing issues with the floral supply chain, significant substitutions may be required on some mixed arrangements

This item is professionally arranged and hand delivered to the recipient by our local florist. Since only the freshest and highest quality items are selected, colors and/or varieties may vary. Container may also vary.

Customer Comments

The flowers were beautiful and my girlfriend absolutly loved them! Thanks a bunch!

It was very nice, and I appreciate the attention to detail you spent making sure it was going to the right place.Thank you.

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Easter is on it's way, and the veritable flowers to send are Easter Lilies. Same day delivery is available throughout the Gilbert area.
Also choose from our floral designer's collection of Easter flowers for April 8, 2012. See also: All Easter Flowers.

Other Cities: 

Chandler Flowers & Florists | Glendale Flowers & Florists | Mesa Flowers & Florists | Gilbert Flowers & Florists | Peoria Flowers & Florists | Phoenix Flowers & Florists | Scottsdale Flowers & Florists | Tempe Flowers & Florists | Tucson Flowers & Florists







We deliver throughout the Gilbert suburban area, including: Agritopia, Lowe Estates / Liberty Square, Allen Ranch, Madera Parc, Arbor Walk, Arrowpoint, Artemina, Manors, Ashland Ranch, Martinque, Ashley Heights, Baseline & Higley, Meadowbrook Village, Baseline Tone Estates, Melody Ranch, Mirador Estates, Morning Ridge, Bayview II, Neely Commons, Beach Club Villages, Neely Farms, Bella Vista , Neely Ranch, Breckenridge Bay, Neely Ranch Estates, Breckenridge Manor, Breckenridge Townhomes, Bristol Square, North Shore (Estates & Villages), Broadland Ranches, Old West Estates, Candlewood, Palomino Acres, Carol Rae Ranch, Park Grove Estates, Silverado, Park Meadow Apartments, Carriage Parc Estates, Park Place Village, Circle G, Cobble Creek, Cooper Ranch, Highlands, Crossroads, Islands, Finley Farms, Gilbert Heights, Gilbert Meadows, Gilbert Ranch, Gilbert Commons, Superstition Springs, Stonebridge